Living chess
Between 2001 and 2017, coinciding annually with the International chess Open, the medieval representation of a living chess game was celebrated. Until 2013, it was among Norman or Saracen armies against the various Counts and Lords of the Lillet Valley. From 2014 to 2017, with the new outfits, the game referred fo different battles of the War of Succession of the early 18th century.
Perhaps not as well-known as other ones, more spectacular with similar performances are celebrated in Europe, the editions of this representation have been fully consolidated.
A good example of this is in 2009 the City Council decided to erect a permanent chessboard (until then it was a tarpaulin that was put on and taken off) made of marble slabs, in the town's main square.
Development of representation
To the beat of drums, banners with their corresponding flag bearers, preceded by the royal crier and the torches, collect the thirty-two contenders, who have already been hooked by the "beneficent poison" of the goddess Caissa, and dressed in medieval clothes and distinctive of the different figures, they go to the Town Hall square.
With the sound of martial music, the pieces enter the chess board and are placed in ascending order while the Kings and Queens are placed in the center of the board, ready to begin the "battle" . All of them incorporate some characteristic feature in their wardrobe. Thus, Quuens and Kings wear the corresponding crowns, the Towers are encased in castle battlements, the Bishops incorporate a spear and a shield, the Horses carry a head of the same animal with an extension towards the nape, and finally the pawns, young knights, they are equipped with swords and cone-shaped hats.
The game has started!
Rhythmically the narrator "sings" each of the moves. At some points, when a piece is captured, the narrator pauses, explains the reason for this and takes the opportunity to give brief explanations of the event. The "battle" isall intents and purposes alive, the pieces before capturing their enemies make a display of superiority by placing their hand on the shoulder of the captured piece, and a standard takes care to withdraw the removed pieces . The movement is reflected on the board. Turn up the music volume for a few seconds while they finish removing the removed piece. Plays follow each other, the description is immersed in warlike situations, all wrapped up in symbolism with personification in the pieces of aesthetic and moral concepts. The climax comes, usually a magnificent combination!
The game ends and the vanquished side pays homage to the winner in the form of their King making a deep bow before his homonymous winner, and he leaves the board followed by the other one. The last bars of music invade the atmosphere, and the spotlights turn off momentarily as the audience cheers ...
The performance is over, once again IT WAS A SUCCESS!
Until next year!.