Go to La Pobla de Lillet

By Bus

You can arrive to La Pobla de Lillet with the bus company ALSA. They leaves Barcelona or Manresa (where you can get there by train from Barcelona) via Berga and Guardiola de Berguedà.

There are few coaches that arrive in La Pobla. With the button you can access the ALSA website where you can find timetables and also buy tickets online.

If someone arrives to Guardiola de Berguedà, they can go to La Pobla de Lillet by taxi (there are 10km.) Or if they let us know in time, they can pick up someone by car the day before the tournament.

By car

You can go through Manresa to Berga and Guardiola de Berguedà on the C-16.

From the Barcelona area, passing through Terrassa on the C-58 (from the northern area) or Martorell and Terrassa (from the southern part of the country.)

You can also take the transversal axis from Girona or Vic.

To Ripoll from the Olot area. You can go to Ripoll by the N-260 and from Ripoll to La Pobla by the GI-401, G-402 and B-402.

From the north (Catalunya Nord, La Seu d'Urgell, Puigcerdà ... passing through the Túnel del Cadí to Guardiola de Berguedà by the C-16.

By La Molina to Castellar de n'Hug on the BV-4031.